Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction, University of South Dakota, 2021
M.A. History, University of South Dakota, 2013
B.S.Ed. History, Northern State University, 2007
Dr. Christian D. Pirlet specializes in technology integration in PK-12 settings. His primary focus has included the use of game-based learning to study student motivation in the social sciences. Before entering higher education, Dr. Pirlet spent 14 years in secondary classrooms teaching social studies including current events, AP US history, honors economics, psychology, and American Indian studies.
He is a member of the International Society for Technology in Education and the National Council for the Social Studies, as well as affiliated groups the College and University Faculty Assembly and the International Assembly (IA). Dr. Pirlet also is a member of the house of Delegates for IA.
Dr. Pirlet has served in standards-unpacking sessions (2020, 2018), assisted with the 2016 revision process for the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings for South Dakota, and presented sessions at the 2023 South Dakota History and Civics Summit.
At Northern, Dr. Pirlet serves on the Northern Innovation and Startup Center's advisory board and the Center for Public History and Civic Engagement. He chairs the Millicent Atkins School of Education Foundation Committee and co-chairs NSU's Instructional Technology Advisory Committee.
Dr. Pirlet received South Dakota’s 2011 James Madison Memorial Foundation Fellowship; and was nominated for the South Dakota History Teacher of the Year Award in 2018 and 2019 and the John Morton Excellence in the Teaching of Economics Award in 2020. In 2022, Dr. Pirlet was nominated for the Larry Metcalf Exemplary Dissertation Award with the National Council for the Social Studies.
Research Interests
Remote learning
Game-based learning
Social studies education
Minecraft: education
Technology-infused pedagogical models
Economic education
Global education
Journal Articles
Williams, J. A., & Pirlet, C. D. (2021). Developing global citizens through human rights education: Teaching the Nanjing atrocities. The Oregon Journal of the Social Studies.
Book Chapters
Pirlet, C. D. (2023) Global awareness in a rural secondary classroom: Minecraft and macroeconomics. In L. Yoho & J. D. Moore (Eds.), Expanding the Vision of Rurality in the US Educational System. IGI Global. [Accepted, Anticipated Summer, 2023]
Williams, J. A., Pirlet, C. D., & Johnson, M. (2022) The Nanjing safety zone: A global rescue effort on the Asian theatre during World War II. In L. Harris, M. Sheppard, & S. Levy (Eds.), Teaching difficult histories: Pictures of practice. (pp. 41-51). Teachers College Press.
Book Reviews
Pirlet, C. D. (2020). Book review: Inquiry-based global learning in the K-12 social studies classroom. Journal of International Social Studies, 10(2), 161-164. https://www.iajiss.org/index.php/iajiss/article/view/521/401
Pirlet, C. D. (November, 2021). Game-Based Learning to Enhance Global Awareness. Paper presented at the International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies 2021 Annual Conference, Virtual.
Williams, J. A., & Pirlet, C. D. (December, 2020). The Nanjing Atrocities: Developing Global Citizens through Human Rights Education. Paper presented at the International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies 2020 Annual Conference, Virtual.
Pirlet, C. D. (December, 2019). What’s Trade Got To Do With It?: Teaching International Development to Rural Secondary Students. Paper presented at the International Assembly of the National Council for the Social Studies 2019 Annual Conference, Austin, TX.
Pirlet, C. D. (December, 2022). Creating 'Chaord' Through Digital Game-Based Learning to Teach Global Economics. Paper presented at the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) 2022 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Sheppard, M., Williams, J. A., Johnson, M., Pirlet, C. D.,.... (December, 2022). Teaching Difficult Histories in Difficult Times. Paper presented at the NCSS 2022 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Pirlet, C. D., Williams, J. A., & Johnson, M. (December, 2020). Teaching Difficult Histories: The Nanjing Atrocities. Paper presented at the NCSS 2020 Annual Conference, Virtual.
Pirlet, C. D. (December, 2019). Agency Through Allegories: Gilded Age Populism According to Oz. Poster presented at the NCSS 2019 Annual Conference, Austin, TX.
Pirlet, C. D. (December, 2018). Lakota Winter Counts: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Workshop at the NCSS 2018 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Pirlet, C. D. (June, 2023). Incorporating Civics into Social Studies. Presented at the South Dakota History & Civics Summit, Sioux Falls, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. (June, 2023). Teaching Abstract Concepts in Social Studies. Presented at the South Dakota History & Civics Summit, Sioux Falls, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. (June, 2023). National Symbols and Monuments. Presented at the South Dakota History & Civics Summit, Sioux Falls, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. (April, 2023). The Best of Google’s “Other” Apps. Presented at the Technology & Innovation in Education (TIE) Annual Conference, Rapid City, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. (March, 2022). Chaord Through Game-Based Learning. Presented at the Technology & Innovation in Education (TIE) Annual Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. & Geary, M. (June, 2021). Minecraft in Schools. Presented at DSU Teach Camp, Virtual.
Pirlet, C. D. (April, 2021). Implementing Minecraft: Education Edition Across the Curriculum. Presented at the Technology & Innovation in Education (TIE) Annual Conference, Virtual.
Invited Presentations
Williams, J.A. & Pirlet, C. D. (May, 2023). Teaching Difficult Histories in Difficult Times. Chapter presented through iCivics Organization, virtual.
Pirlet, C. D. (May, 2023). Dr. P’s Tools for Game Masters. Presented at HubCity Con, Aberdeen, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. (May, 2023). The Power of Worldbuilding with Dr. P. Presented at HubCity Con, Aberdeen, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. (February, 2023). Minecraft in the Secondary Classroom. Presented at The Emerging Technology in Education Event offered by Thunder Labs at Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. (December, 2022). Ed Tech Robots: More than Meets the Eye. Presented at Educators Rising Learning Expo at Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. (November, 2022). CETL Pedagogy Grant Recipients Roundtable. Presented regarding received funds through Northern State University’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Pirlet, C. D. (February, 2022). Minecraft, AR, and Clips, Oh My! Presented at Educators Rising State Conference at South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
Pirlet, C. D. (December, 2021). Minecraft, AR, and Clips, Oh My! Presented at Educators Rising Learning Expo at Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD.