Here to help ensure your event runs smoothly.

According to South Dakota Board of Regents policy, such requests (facilities use by private parties) may be granted to the extent that institutional program schedules permit if the requested use is lawful and otherwise consistent with this policy, poses no risk of harm to persons or property, and will not disrupt the intended use of the facilities or grounds by the institution, its students, staff, or other visitors. 

Services we may provide for campus-sponsored events include:


Event logistics and planning

  • Coordinating with food service, media services and facilities
  • Alcohol requests - a minimum of four weeks' notice is required for these requests (on-campus locations are limited)

Planning your event


Complete Event Request Form

Complete the online Event Request Form.


Facilities Use Agreement (FUA)

We will work with you to determine if a FUA is necessary for your event. If one is, you will need liability insurance and a booking fee to reserve your event.


Alcohol requests

As a state entity, we're not able to allow all alcohol requests. Contact us to determine if your event may include alcohol.


Food orders

Our exclusive on-campus food vendor is Sodexo. We will work on your behalf to coordinate your food and beverage order. Visit the Catering site for more information.


Your event is unique, which is why we customize our pricing proposals. Email or call 605-626-2521 to get started!